Veronika Boss

Veronika Boss

MSc Public Health




Planung, Umsetzung und Evaluation von Gesundheitsförderungsprogrammen und Projekten für ältere Menschen, Familien, Kinder und Judgendliche


Nationale Koordination und Beratung von Gesundheitsföderungsprogrammen Projektmanagement

Education and further education

CAS Gerontologie, Zentrum für Gerontologie, Universität Zürich MSc PH, LSHTM, London University Fachhochschule Gesundheit, FH Nordwestschweiz, Aarau

Year of birth


Spoken languages

deutsch, englisch, französisch, italienisch

Methodological focus

Health promotion, Prevention, Evaluation, Quality development, Coaching/Support, Monitoring

Thematic focus

Physical activity, Nutrition, Suicide, Physical health, Relaxation, Quality of life, Mental health


Educational institutions, Community, leisure, associations, Other setting, Support and childcare facilities, Hospitals/ clinics, Internet , Family/Living space

Target groups

Parents, Persons with migration background, School children, General population, Educators/trainers, Teachers, Socially disadvantaged people, working poor, Pregnant women, Politicians/lobbyists, Disabled

Target groups: phases of life

Small children (0-5), Schoolchildren (6-11), Youths (12-18), Elderly (65-79), Aged (80+)

Target groups: gender

Both sexes

Qualification in Health promotion/Prevention

Master / Licence


German, English, French, Italian

Last modification: 06 April, 2017 11:33