Références de littérature


13 (de 13)

Ackermann et al. 2015

Ackermann, Günter; Kirschner, Michael; Guggenbühl, Lisa; Abel, Bettina, Klohn, Axel; Mattig, Thomas (2015) Measuring Success in Obesity Prevention: A Synthesis of Health Promotion Switzerland's Long-Term Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy. Obes Facts 2015; 8:17–29.

Andler 2011

Andler, Nicolai (2011). Tools for Project Management, Workshops and Consulting: A Must-Have Compendium of Essential Tools and Techniques, 2nd Edition. Erlangen: Publicis.

Funnell & Rogers 2011

Funnell, S. C., & Rogers, P. J. (2011). Purposeful program theory: Effective use of theories of change and logic models. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Green & Kreuter 2005

Green, L.; Kreuter, M. (2005) Health Program Planning: An Educational and Ecological Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill

Harrison & Lock 2004

Harrison Frederick and Lock Dennis (2004). Advanced Project Management. A structured approach. 4th edition. Burlington: Gower Publishing Company.

Health Promotion Switzerland 2010

Health Promotion Switzerland (Ed.) (2010). Best Practice. A normative framework for optimal health promotion and disease prevention. Berne: Health Promotion Switzerland

Heerkens 2007

Heerkens, Gary R. (2007). Project Management. 24 steps to help you master any project. The McGraw-Hill Mighty Manager’s Handbooks. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Kerzner 2006

Kerzner, Harold (2006). Project Management. A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. Ninth edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Laverack 2004

Laverack G. (2004) Health Promotion Practice: Power & Empowerment. London. Sage Publications

Lock 2007

Lock, Dennis (2007). Project management. 9th edition. Hampshire: Gower.

Nutbeam & Bauman 2006

Nutbeam, D. & Bauman, A. (2006). Evaluation in a nutshell. A practical guide to the evaluation of health promotion programs. New York: McGraw-Hill

Portny 2007

Portny, Stanley E. (2007). Project Management for Dummies. 2nd edition. Hoboken: Wiley.

Spencer et al. 2008

Spencer, B.; Broesskamp-Stone, U.; Ruckstuhl, B.; Ackermann, G.; Spoerri, A.; Cloetta, B. (2008). Modelling the results of health promotion activities in Switzerland: development of the Swiss Model for Outcome Classification in Health Promotion and Prevention. Health Promot. Int. 23:86-97, 2008.

Dernière modification: lundi 03 janvier 2022 14:27